Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Improving our Music Video

After we handed in our draft music video, we got feedback from our teachers, we got a low level 3 for the video. We were relatively happy with this mark as it is in the higher half on the levels just for our draft, but we know we can definitely improve it and push it up to a level 4. Here is the feedback we got back from our teachers:

We have learnt from this feedback that we need to speed up the shot timings, this will make it slightly more energetic. Plus we need to be a bit more convincing with our instruments  as this will create a sense of realism and be more appealing to the eye of the viewer. One of the main points we have agreed upon is creating more interesting shot types, instead of the static shots we commonly used in our draft, we would like to create a lot more moving shots, these can include hand-held shots, pan shots, zoom, tilt etc. We believe that this would make our video a lot more effective. We need to also contemplate the mise en scene within our video, as our teachers think we should make the background (the room) more interesting. We aren't yet sure how to do this, when we re-film our video we may choose to film in a different room, potentially one with darker walls, as this will go with the connotations of our genre and give it a more realistic feel. 

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